Digital Nomad Visa Italy: Application
With the recent decree 29 February 2024, which was published in Gazzetta on the 4th of April 2024, Italy has finally opened its door to the Digital Nomad Visa Programme, giving some guidance to how to apply for an Italy Digital Nomad Visa.
Make sure you have all the documentation needed
You have 8 days to apply once entered the country
Obtain your Permesso di soggiorno for Digital Nomad
Speak to us – We are here to help!
Where to apply for the Italy Digital Nomad Visa
The applicant needs to request the Italy Digital Nomad Visa (in Italian: Permesso di soggiorno as “Nomade Digitale – Lavoratore fa Remoto”) directly at the central police station (questura) of the province where he/she is located. This has to be done within 8 working days from entering the country..
Documentation required for the application
First, you need to apply for a Visa (Visto d’Ingresso)
You would need a Visto di ingresso to enter the county. Visa applications need to be submitted to the visa office of the Embassy or Consulate of Italy of the place where you have registered residence. Have a look at this Farnesina website for clarifications on how to apply for a Visa.
Second, you need a Permesso di Soggiorno
To be granted the Italy Digital Nomad Visa (Permesso di soggiorno per
– Minimum wage of 28,000 per year
– Health care insurance which is valid in Italy and for at least a yea
– Proof of accomodotioon: the applicant needs to bring documentations showing he has an accomodation to stay for at least a year
– Proof of previous experience as a remote worker or Digital Nomad, for at least 6 months
– Work contract
– Documentation prooving neither the applicant nor his employer (in case of an employee applying) have not been convicted of a crime, even with a non-definitive sentence, within the last five years.
Once the Digital Nomad Visa is obtain, the Nomad will be granted with a Codice Fiscale and Partita IVA (VAT Account).
Is Nulla Osta needed for the Nomad Visa application?
Good news. A Nulla Osta is not required to apply to the Italy Digital Nomad Visa, thus making the whole process easier while reducing the time to obtain your Digital Nomad Visa.